Charlene Ben's Article in Investing

997 Penny Stock Newsletter Alerts Investors about Hot Stocks Pick
If you search on penny stock on internet, you will find a lot of sites promoting short term trading stocks. This attracts people because the sites promise them of huge % returns in short time. All these sites claim hot socks pick to get people to sign up to trade penny stocks or at least try to. The majority of the time, their version of day trading is holding for a few days, rather than only go in and out the same exact day.
Posted on Sep-22-2009

922 Tips to Successful Small Cap hot Stocks Investing
Numerous people have got benefit trading hot stocks. If you want trade hot stocks, it is essential for you to comprehend how stock market work and the risks that are involved investing them. When you invest in these stocks you have a lot of leverage that you can employ to make money. You can get hot stocks by following some instructions. These are as follows.
Posted on Sep-22-2009