Chad Timothy Nelson's Article in Internet Marketing
Using An Article Submission Service To Cut Down On Time And Hard Work
If you have ever spent time writing articles to help you promote your business – whether that business is online or off – you will know how time consuming it can be to actually submit them to various article directories. But have you ever tried an article submission service?
Posted on Jan-07-2010
Finding The Best Press Release Distribution Service
Press releases are an excellent way to drum up interest in your product or service. But you also need to find the best press release distribution service to use if you want your press releases to be seen by as many people as possible.
Posted on Jan-07-2010
Do You Focus On Local Online Marketing And Advertising?
When we think about promoting ourselves and our businesses online, we tend to think about doing so in a global sense. We can reach anyone in the world with a connection to the internet, and so that is what we aim for.
Posted on Jan-07-2010
Are You Missing Out On Viral Video Marketing?
Most of us know a good viral video when we see it. We immediately want to pass it on to show others. But if you aren’t getting involved in viral video marketing yourself, perhaps now is the time to think about dipping your toes in the water.
Posted on Jan-07-2010
Using Twitter For Business
Lots of people are tweeting even as you are reading this. And many of them are doing it with the express idea of promoting their business and brand online. Are you among them?
Posted on Jan-07-2010