Cedric Welsch's Article in Currency Trading

763 Your Own Forex Mini Account – What Do You Really Need To Get One
There are plenty of things that you need to consider when it comes to trading. That’s why a forex mini account is important. With a forex mini account, you can easily compare and contrast different business values.
Posted on Mar-02-2010

868 Forex Day Trading System - How To Get The Right One For You
Day trading is one forex strategy that you might want to consider. However, it should be noted that this type of trading strategy can be more demanding and fast-paced than the usual forex system.
Posted on Feb-27-2010

780 Forex Charting Software: Tips To Know When Choosing A Forex Charting Software
Trading in forex is really tough and demanding. Although it is wise to start small and with the major currencies initially, there will come a time when you already have to explore other values too especially if you want to grow in this business. Doing it on your own and through manual means may be very disconcerting, not to mention tough. So one of the things you might want to look at is how you can use a forex charting software to help you accomplish this task.
Posted on Feb-23-2010