Camilla Devreut's Article in Religion
Sermon Illustrations How to Enhance Your Sermons
Sermons are a wonderful way to educate, motivate, and encourage people on their journey in life. Plenty of sermons have been delivered that have helped multitudes to grow personally and spiritually. Whether you are delivering a series on biblical ways to take control of your emotions or delving into the meat of the Old Testament and its history, sermons are certainly necessary for lectures or corporate gatherings.
Posted on Feb-20-2012
Use Illustrated Sermons to Keep Your Congregation's Interest on Sunday
You know that you put in a lot of preparation for your sermons. You don’t just download them from the internet and then deliver them in a monotone to your congregation. But do your parishioners or congregation realize the effort you have put into it? Are you certain your story or your theme is getting through to them?
Posted on Jan-07-2012
Find out how sermon illustrations can enhance YOUR sermon
As the world grows more aware, and globalization spreads throughout the whole globe more people are questioning their beliefs, and looking for more answers. Whereas people used to simply accept what they were told, they now question everything in order to find the truth.
Posted on Jan-07-2012