Five Mistakes to Avoid for Foreigners Buying Property in Turkey
The Turkish government found ways to encourage foreign investors to allocate some funds with regards to buying a property in Turkey. The first step the administration made is to make it possible for foreigners to buy these properties without much hassle.
Posted on Dec-27-2009
Five Mistakes to Avoid While Home Shopping in Turkey
Turkey is said to be one of the most viable options when it comes to property investment. Owe this fact to its majestic sceneries and highly affordable homes. It is also very easy and convenient to do home shopping in the country.
Posted on Dec-27-2009
Real Estate & Home Loan Market Timeline of Important Events in Turkey
Home loan must have been the bread and butter of construction developers in Turkey. Individuals as well as banking and financial institutions saw progress in providing loan mortgages to both foreign and local investors.
Posted on Dec-27-2009
Largest Property Purchase Deals in Turkey (recently, like who bought what when for how much)
In your quest to find out if property investment in Turkey is feasible, you certainly want to know more facts about how the trade is going in the country. You will never know that unless you get an idea on some of the largest purchase deals in the area.
Posted on Dec-27-2009
Top 10 Retirement Communities for Retiring to Turkey
Foreigners have always looked forward to living a blissful life in one of the favoured retirement communities in Turkey. You may be sailing the same boat by now. If you are looking for something to work with your dream lifestyle, retirement living is a good option in the country.
Posted on Dec-27-2009
Retiring to Turkey – Pros and Cons
Retirees from all over the world must have seen the likability of Turkey as a retirement ground. The country visibly attracted non-Europeans to invest on the properties offered through mortgages. The mortgage market in Turkey grew rapidly because building companies took an effort to construct many homes.
Posted on Dec-27-2009
10 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy a Retirement Home and a Property in Turkey
In order to make sure that you will get the best out of your investment, you need to follow some rules in your mind. The same applies to your acquisition of a retirement home in Turkey. Whether you are a local or a foreigner looking for a new home in a list of communities in the country, you should be guided by these rules.
Posted on Dec-27-2009
Pros and Cons of Getting Home Loan in a Down Economy in Turkey
Turkey is one of the best tourist spots in the world. This makes it a feasible area to own a new home. Everybody looks at home loans as opportunities in this beautiful country. However, in order to make sure you will have your new home at a more affordable price, you also have to analyze the economy of the nation.
Posted on Dec-27-2009
Top 10 Places to Live in Turkey for Foreigners
Throughout the years, Turkey must have gained an equally unparalleled reputation when it comes to tourism. This is not just because of the scenic spots in the country. Owe it to its rich historical inclination and cultural preservation.
Posted on Dec-27-2009
Top 10 Players of Turkish Home Loan Market
The Turkish home loan market is not just for people from other countries. Even Turkish find ways to acquire new homes for themselves. This is the people’s way of showing that they give value to an investment. The 2007 mortgage regulations even provided a lot of individuals with privileges when it comes to investing on Turkish property.
Posted on Dec-27-2009
Has the Turkish Home Loan Market Saved Because No Mortgage Regulations was In Place?
A lot of foreign investors are contemplating on renting up a property on Turkish grounds. This is basically because of the real value of the place especially when it comes to tourism. The country is a good combination of big beach resorts and a favourable climate.
Posted on Dec-27-2009
How to Find an Affordable Accommodation and Apartment in Istanbul (For Foreigners for a few months)
Foreigners would always love to explore other places they have never been to. If you are fascinated in traveling to other places around the globe, perhaps you may have considered a stop to Turkey.
Posted on Dec-27-2009
Most Affordable Seaside Communities (Places) for Retiring to Turkey
Turkey is known for its seaside communities. In fact, the country is flanked by the sea along its three sides. This makes it a real suitable place for both local and foreign investors going on retirement.
Posted on Dec-26-2009