Bryan Len's Article in Women's Issues
Brown vaginal discharge Causes and Treatment, Effects
This article is very useful to curing brown vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge means secretion or fluid comes out from the female sexual organ. Vaginal discharge is common before or after menstrual cycle and after some changes pregnancy or any kind of surgery. Brown blood vaginal discharge is normal after menstrual cycle because it helps to clean the female sexual organ.
Posted on Oct-06-2009
Increase Female Libido with Herb Shatavari, Female Libido Enhancement
Shatavari is an herb which is considered as the female libido enhancer or increase female libido. Shatavari is very useful herb for women as it helps in balancing the hormonal system. Shatavari is very beneficial for increasing female libido.
Posted on Sep-24-2009
Brown Vaginal Discharge Causes, Treatments For Vaginal Discharge
Vaginal discharge suffered by every woman once in there life. Vaginal discharge means secretion comes out from female sexual organ. Vaginal discharge is normal if there is no pain, itching, burning and irritation. Vaginal discharge normally suffered during or after menstrual cycle or after pregnancy.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge, Natural Treatments for Vaginal Discharge
Some vaginal discharge is normal in females during or after menstruation and after pregnancy. Vaginal discharge means secretion comes out from sexual organ. Abnormal vaginal discharge can be caused due to some infections like firstly; bacterial vaginosis it is caused by gardnerelle vaginosis bacteria means excessive growth of bacteria. Secondly, yeast infection, as in normal vaginal discharge small amount of yeast is present but excessive growth of yeast caused abnormalities vaginal discharge.
Posted on Jul-07-2009
White Vaginal Discharge Symptoms, Remedies for Vaginal Discharge
Vaginal discharge is the commonest problem faced by many females. Vaginal discharge is normal during or after periods and after pregnancy. Vaginal discharge means fluid from vagina. This fluid can be of many colors like white, brown, yellow, green. Vaginal discharge is normal if there is no pain, itching or burning, foul odor and rashes to genital areas.
Posted on Jun-23-2009
Vaginal Discharge Cure, How to Treat Vaginal Discharge
Vaginal discharge means secretion from the vagina. Vaginal discharge is normal in females’ day to day lives. Vaginal discharge caused due to stress, illness and hormonal changes. These secretions can be of white color, yellow color, brown and green color.
Posted on Jun-07-2009
Menopause Natural Relief, Herbal Remedies for Menopause
Menopause is a end part of something called 'menarche' wherein the girl enters into the phase of menstrual cycles at the age of nearly 13-14 yr. The menarche and menopause are unavoidable phases for any girl/woman with normal physiology and anatomy.
Posted on Jun-06-2009