Brain's Article in Business
Are Rooftop Pipe Supports necessary
In a 24-hour period temperatures can vary as much as 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This change in temperature causes the material in any type of piping to expand in the heat of the day and contract in the cooler temperatures of the night.
Posted on Jul-22-2011
Duct Supports – What does a good rooftop Duct Support look like?
Majority of the time, a rooftop duct support is made of sheet metal. This is a consistent element. The two things that are not consistent though, are the shape of the duct support and how it attaches to the roof.
Posted on Jul-22-2011
Why are Rooftop Pipe Supports even necessary?
If you have ever been up on a commercial roof (shopping center, school, office building, etc…) you surely have seen that there is a large amount of piping that runs on top of a roof. Gas lines, chill water lines, electrical conduit, and condensate drain lines are just some of what you may see running across the flat roof surface. But have you ever noticed the rooftop pipe supports?
Posted on Jul-22-2011
Duct Supports – What is the proper way to support a rooftop duct?
Majority of the time, a rooftop duct support is made of metal. This is a consistent element.
Posted on Jul-22-2011