Bradley Nixon's Article in Health and Fitness

404 New Technology Allows Liposuction To Be Performed Under Local Anesthesia
It is no secret that obesity can cause health problems. The health risks associated with being over-weight are real and include stroke, heart disease and high blood pressure. For many people who suffer from obesity, liposuction (also known as lip or lipoaspiracao) can be a life-saving treatment. But lipo can also be used for those who simply want to tone their body in specific places such as hips, buttocks and stomach areas.
Posted on Feb-03-2012

395 Orthotics Calgary Services Can Offer More Than Just Foot And Ankle Pain Assistance
Discover how Orthotics Calgary services can help you with all of your foot and ankle issues, whether there is constant soreness, calluses, hammertoes and other pain.
Posted on Jan-30-2012

404 Health Spa retreats in Melbourne at Delvin Health Retreat
Where to find relaxing health retreats in Melbourne Australia on the internet.
Posted on Jan-25-2012