Bertie Samuels's Article in Clothing
Plus Size Lingerie In a Big Way.
Plus size and want to wear lingerie? Well why don't you? In this article,
Lizzie talks about been a plus size lady and the ease of finding plus size
lingerie. From what to buy, what is available and why you shouldn't feel
conscious about it. As the lingerie market becomes bigger and widens it self
out, it is becoming more and more accessible to more and more women.
Posted on Jul-15-2011
Corsets Are For You - No Matter What.
Corsets are beautiful items that should be in every woman's wardrobe. They
are statement pieces which ooze power and lust. They are versatile and
flexible; wear them for a night out or wear one for a night in. In this
article we talk about when possibly a beautiful black corset may be the best
thing or if a bridal corset may be the right thing for you.
Posted on Jul-11-2011