Benquasha Malila's Article in Business

324 The Importance of a San Diego Family Law Attorney
Divorce is never a happy situation, no matter what the length of the marriage. However, often times, it seems that the longer a couple is married, the more problems it can create. The Wall Street Journal recently highlighted an article that detailed the financial problems that individuals run into after divorcing later in life. This is not uncommon, at all, as married individuals often are a two income family. After being married for many years, it is not uncommon to be adjusted to the two famil
Posted on Jan-04-2012

280 San Diego Divorce Attorneys and the Role They Play
Divorce is a complicated matter, especially when children are involved. San Diego Family Law Lawyers are the specialists that represent husband or wife through the divorce process. When children are involved in a divorce, it is imperative that a San Diego Divorce Attorney be hired to represent each party involved.
Posted on Jan-03-2012