Benedict Yosarian's Article in Home Improvement

948 Home Repair it, Yourself
EVERYTHING that our bare eyes see is prone to wear and tear. That is exactly why there is always a need to keep it checked for repairs or replacement.
Posted on Dec-11-2009

1348 Make Your Own Green Dumbbells
JUST when we’re about to throw compact discs, comes an idea that could make these obsolete data storage device useful and “green” at that.
Posted on Dec-11-2009

1388 Waterproofing Mobile Phone Gadgets
IN an era when many Americans have been heavily dependent on their high-end mobile phone gadgets to run their business or do their daily stuffs, it is imperative that we take them anywhere --- even on a weekend break at the beach.
Posted on Dec-11-2009

710 Benefits Of Decorative Concrete Floor
If you are trying to make your house a bit different from the commonplace, the decorative concrete is the ideal choice. In fact, it has come in the trends in recent times and the advantages that it has, have made it quite popular.
Posted on Aug-03-2009

712 Spruce Up Your Home Decor
When you think about the remodeling of the home floor, chipped tile, carpets and linoleum are the options that come to your mind. But, they are commonplace and a creative mind will wish if there was some other option to choose.
Posted on Aug-03-2009

744 Benefits of Decorative Concrete
Can the concrete have an aesthetic value? Well, that seemed to be a weird thought even a few years back. But now, with the decorative concrete, it has become a very possible idea. Basically, this is a thin coat of concrete on the unattractive concrete surfaces to lend it an impressive look.
Posted on Aug-03-2009