Barbara Knox's Article in Business

568 Benefits of Gardening for the Elderly!
There is a magic to being in a garden full of opportunity and life, let alone growing that beauty all by yourself. Gardening has powerful effects on both mind and body. The health benefits of gardening for older adults are even more significant in different ways.
Posted on Nov-20-2020

470 What Can You Do To Help The Older Adults During The Coronavirus Disease Pandemic?
The novel coronavirus can infect anyone from kids to elderly people. But, it is the people above the age group 60 and above, that are most likely to get fatally sick. There are many tips available for all age groups, to stay protected from the virus, however there are certain safety measures which the older adults should follow to safeguard their health.
Posted on Aug-17-2020

557 What Are Some Common Health Problems In Elderly Women?
Both women and men face a lot of health issues as they age. Yet, there are certain illnesses that hugely affect women than men or just affect women only due to certain biological reasons.
Posted on Aug-12-2020

525 How Do You Know When A Senior Needs Assisted Living?
Moving into the home care for elderly is a big decision to make. Many families put off this choice until their loved one undergoes a health crisis. This critical decision requires a careful exploration of all the choices available to find the best home care providers based on requirements.
Posted on Jul-24-2020

555 Why Is Gardening Good For Seniors?
A beautiful garden filled with colourful blooms is not only pleasing to the eyes, rather it can also have a positive impact on your health. Whether you are an ardent fan of gardening or not, yet the goodness it brings along cannot be ignored.
Posted on Jul-22-2020

528 Top Signals That Indicate Your Aging Parent Needs Care Services
It is really upsetting to watch our parents aging. Unfortunately, this reality has to be dealt with, ensuring that your parent is getting the care he or she needs to age gracefully with appropriate dignity and support.
Posted on May-08-2020