Ashley Mason's Article in Music
Trance DJ Equipment - Get a Professional DJ Setup For Less
Buying the right DJ equipment is one of the most important areas you need to look into if you are to take to DJing seriously. With so many different types of equipment available you need to know what products are best for your needs before buying anything. For example, a Trance DJ will have very different needs to a scratch DJ. When it comes to buying the turntables, mixers, even styluses the right choice makes all the difference.
Posted on Mar-15-2010
Dance Music Producer - Easy Steps to Becoming a Top Producer
Over the years, the music people like Larry Levan and Frankie Knuckles evolved has grown has spawned new genres in Dance music. It brought hope for many enthusiasts who always wanted to create music for fun and more so for those professionally inclined.
Posted on Mar-03-2010