Andrewbazar's Article in Stock Market
Investment In Nifty Future And Option
Nifty is a benchmark index of NSE (National Stock Exchange) of India for Indian Equity Market, which is decided by the performance of top 50 companies that are listed in NSE. This is the reason of formation of the word “Nifty” with the abbreviations of combination of initial letters of two words i.e. “Nifty” & “Fifty”. It can be said that Nifty index varies along with the performance of top-50 companies.
Posted on May-16-2015
Advantages of Share Tips by A Premiere Stock Advisory Firm
Due to availability of numerous investment options provided by various government as well as private financial institutions & banks, people have lots of investment opportunities. In spite of having these opportunities, share market is considered as one of the most profitable options among others. Although, it involves higher risk in comparison to other investing schemes but at the same time, it provides tremendous growth opportunities.
Posted on May-16-2015