Andrew Hudson's Article in Photography

714 Photography and Its Various Offshoots
Photography is more like an art form and for those invaluable moments in life, it can be of eminent importance. The photography industry is not like what it was a few years ago. It has evolved through time line and has brought along with it a lot of technologically advanced trifles and more happiness too.
Posted on Oct-01-2010

748 Advertising Photography: An Excellent solution to your business needs
Advertising have been there from time immemorial. There has been a great hype surrounding advertising as its concept is very vast. There are ads which were great on creativity front but failed miserably to help the sales of product and there were some utterly nonsense ads which actually helped the sales. Thus advertising photography business is all about target audience’s reactions and emotions.
Posted on Oct-01-2010

615 Photography Studios Are The Reigning Forces In Today’s Commercial World
The whole of commercial world depends on photographers and studios. With technology spanning new heights how could studios leave far behind; the studios are now a day using the latest, technologically advanced cameras and equipments to shoot the best and highest quality photographs. With various offshoots like Product Photography Studio, Portrait Photography Studio etc studios are achieving newer feats.
Posted on Aug-05-2010