Andrew Hudson's Article in Disease And Illness

1422 Natural Remedies for IBS Can Cure Your Medical Condition Permanently
IBS, colitis, crohn’s disease, Acid Reflux, Diverticulitis, leaky gut syndrome these entire specific medical terms direct towards the deterioration of tissues in the abdominal region. But a few people know that using natural cures and herbal remedies can bring about a welcome change and can rebuild these naturally occurring tissues slowly but steadily.
Posted on Oct-18-2010

1272 Four Natural Cures for GERD that You Should Know About
Acid Reflux, also known as GERD are chronic symptoms that are most usually caused due to the damage to the mucosa that is produced due to the reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus. GERD is generally caused due any abnormal activity at the barrier between the stomach and the esophagus.
Posted on Sep-18-2010