Amber Ladlie's Article in Arts and Entertainment
Reverse Mortgage Disadvantages, Dangers, and Myths
For seniors short on cash but rich in home equity, reverse mortgages offer a very unique opportunity. Reverse mortgage loans give seniors, ages 62 and older, the opportunity to convert some of the equity in their home into cash. Unfortunately, reverse mortgages are not free, nor are they without disadvantage. Understanding certain reverse mortgage disadvantages is just as important as understanding the benefits of these loans.
Posted on Nov-08-2011
What Is a Reverse Mortgage? How These Loans Stack Up Against Other Home Equity Loans
What is a reverse mortgage? These days, this question is one that many consumers find themselves asking. In short, a reverse mortgage is a loan that allows senior homeowners to borrow against their home equity.
Are You curious about reverse mortgages? Read on to find out more.
Posted on Nov-08-2011