Allen's Article in Health and Fitness
Facts Related To Allergies And Its Diagnosis
Allergy is very common and there is hardly any person who is not allergic to something or the other. Sneezing, running nose, red eyes, itchiness, rashes etc are the common symptoms of allergy. This hyper sensitive reaction usually occurs when you come in contact with the causing agents of allergies known as allergens.
Posted on Dec-12-2009
How To Deal With Back Pain While Cycling
Cycling is considered as a great fitness exercise and it is also becoming a increasingly popular sport not only for casual trainers but also for serious athletes. However, if you do it everyday for long hours, you may experience mild to severe back pain while cycling – maybe because it requires you to remain bent forward with your muscles tensed for long.
Posted on Nov-26-2009
Tips To Avoid Back Pain While Driving
Many people experience back pain while driving, especially when they are driving longer distances. Soreness and pain in the back are very common when you drive a vehicle for long hours. However, there are several things that you can do to avoid it. Following are some simple steps that you have to take in order to relieve such pain.
Posted on Nov-24-2009
How To Monitor Your Blood Pressure At Home?
We all know that the problem of hypertension is very common, and if proper care is not taken, it can lead to several serious health conditions that include heart attack. Therefore, it is very important for you to learn how to monitor your blood pressure at home.
Posted on Nov-14-2009
Treating Allergies With Homeopathy
When it comes to treating allergies, the homeopathic medicines can also prove to be very effective. The homeopathic treatments have been used for centuries in India and it also became very popular in Europe later. More recently, homeopathy has started gaining popularity in the United States of America also. This field of medicine takes a different approach to health and wellness, as it uses minerals and herbs and other practical applications to ease the symptoms of allergies.
Posted on Oct-30-2009