Alex Carlson's Article in Customer Service

1481 Telemarketing Outsourcing: Reasons To Hire One
Telemarketing outsourcing is being dubbed by many as a redundant tool, especially in the times that we are in. This is untrue. Here are some reasons why your company needs telemarketing outsourcing services. To stay ahead and beat your competitors, you need to hire a BPO solutions firm to handle that.
Posted on Oct-26-2009

1107 Reasons You Need Telemarketing Outsourcing
Business process outsourcing can be of many types, depending on the way you want to see it.
Posted on Oct-16-2009

871 Is Telemarketing Outsourcing Viable In This Age?
The question is one that has several implications. Telemarketing outsourcing has been on the sales scene for decades now.
Posted on Oct-16-2009

879 Competition in Business Process Outsourcing
When things get tough, the survival instincts get expressed naturally. There has been some real competition in the recent times among business process outsourcing units.
Posted on Oct-16-2009