Aidan Holloway's Article in Home Improvement

579 UPVC Windows: Contemporary, Affordable and Long Lasting Alternatives to Wood
Pitiably, uncontrolled and unregulated exploitation of forest tracts and felling of trees for commercial use has lead to mass deforestation which has resulted in the price of timber and wood based products multiplying many times over in the last decade.
Posted on Jan-15-2010

580 Timber Windows: Reduce Your Carbon Footprint without Falling for Substitutes
Timber window and door systems have grown into affordable, safe and aesthetic window solutions that suit all kinds of home and commercial designs.
Posted on Jan-15-2010

780 Sash Windows: Open You Home to Natural Climate Control
When you are in, you can try keep the world out – from entering the living spaces that you occupy – that is what windows are designed to be. Windows should be so arranged or positioned that you should be able to alter the climate control options whenever possible.
Posted on Jan-15-2010