John Deko's Article in Business
Can I get a merchant services account outside of the United States?
Online product or service selling is getting popular day by day. Any merchant doing online businesses would want to have their own merchant account as a risk free, low cost credit card processing system. However, if you are a merchant residing outside of the United States, you might be wondering whether you are actually eligible for being granted for a merchant services account in the United States. The answer is at the same time affirmative and negative.
Posted on Jan-15-2012
What does my credit card swiper transactions get funded?
If you own a retail business, you are missing out on a large amount of money if you do not accept credit cards or debit cards. As more and more consumers are using credit/debit cards, you will be ending up on losing a large number of transactions, if you don’t have card swiper machine. Even customers have started to realise advantages of cash-free transactions. The plastic money lets you have less worry and only swipe when you want to. With cash, you may not able to judiciously use your money an
Posted on Nov-23-2011
Should I purchase an used credit card processing machine?
With the advent of card payment transactions, finance management has become very easy. The credit cards being the fastest and securest in payment mode have altogether changed the entire idea of the business. Today, customers and traders are extensively using credit card processing. Moreover, the credit card processing provides great impact on business, especially small ones. Even small scale entrepreneurs can enjoy the advantages of this new tool of business.
Posted on Nov-23-2011
Online payment gateway - how to sign up for
If you are an entrepreneur or retail business owner, you need to have a merchant account, where all your business transactions are stored. With that merchant account, business owners can well manage their accounts and keep every transactions secure. Basically a merchant account is a business back account, which enables you receive collect payments from consumer bank accounts or credit cards. These accounts are created and maintained by acquiring banks. These financial institutions verify the ava
Posted on Nov-23-2011
Is credit card merchant account approval based on credit history?
Card swiping is the latest mode financial transactions, which is being extensively used worldwide. Whether you are a small scale business owner or large business, card-mode payment helps all of them. In fact, customers and retailers both are enjoying card mode of payment. However, the most benefitted by credit card payment is business class.
Posted on Nov-23-2011