What is a Paralegal
Looking for information about paralegals? A paralegal is the assistant who does most of the delegated legal work that happens in a law office. Paralegals are frequently called legal assistants, and they often perform many of the same tasks that a lawyer will perform on a daily basis.
Posted on May-31-2010
Getting into Law School
Are you wondering how to get into law school? There are many times during a student's time at college where the decisions they make will affect their future choices. Getting into law school depends on many factors that are much easier to manage while you are starting college than learn when you are getting ready to start applying at schools.
Posted on May-31-2010
Why Using A Licensed Contractor Is Important
Toilet overflowing? Roof has a leak? Crown moldings in your future? When something goes wrong on your property, the first reaction is to dig out a dog-eared contractor's business card or flip through the phone book for the nearest man with a hammer.
Posted on May-18-2010
Three Key Elements To The Creation Of A Contract
If you are entering into any sort of agreement with an individual, and money, products, or services are changing hands, it is a good idea for you to write a contract. A legal contract will protect you both, by outlining your obligations.
Posted on May-18-2010
How To Choose The Right Lawyer
Everybody needs some legal assistance now and again, and we want to be certain that we have the best lawyer at our disposal to meet the legal, communicative and financial aspects of the case. Choose your lawyer like you would your doctor with these five important decision-making factors at the helm
Posted on May-08-2010
Construction Disputes
Construction disputes are a common occurrence, often the direct result of miscommunication between a contractor and the client. When the work has not been performed up to the client's standard or request, a failure to pay for services may ensue.
Posted on May-08-2010
Residential Lease Agreement Safety
When negotiating a residential real estate lease agreement, it is essential to remember that lease contracts are legal binding documents that outline the rights, restrictions, and requirements incumbent upon both the landlord and the tenant.
Posted on Apr-23-2010
An Overview of the First Half of the Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments to our U.S. Constitution and should be regarded by all Americans as a sacred covenant made by our founding fathers to serve and protect the American people.
Posted on Apr-23-2010
What is Unjust Enrichment?
The legal term “unjust enrichment” refers to when one person or party unfairly benefits from the property or services of another person or party. If a court finds that unjust enrichment has occurred, the individual who received the gains may be required to make restitution.
Posted on Apr-23-2010
Common Forms of Real Estate Ownership
When buying or selling real estate, it’s essential to understand what ownership rights are transferred at the time of sale. Ownership of real property takes a number of forms, each with its own set of rules and expectations
Posted on Feb-09-2010
Rental Properties: Know Your Rights
Whether you rent an apartment, a house, or even a manufactured home in Austin, it’s important to know your legal rights as a tenant.
Posted on Oct-09-2009
The HVCC Prolongs the Housing Slump
In March 2008, a joint agreement was announced between the Federal Housing Finance Agency, Freddie Mac, and Andrew Cuomo, the New York Attorney General, to institute the Home Valuation Code of Conduct, or HVCC.
Posted on Sep-11-2009
Granite Countertops: A Sound Investment for your Home
Recent controversy about granite countertops may finally be put to rest, thanks to two new independent studies published in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.
Posted on Sep-11-2009
Being a Good Neighbor - How to Avoid Next Door Problems
Nothing can ruin home ownership more than having a conflict with one of your neighbors. If you’ve ever been unlucky enough to end up in a situation like this, you know that it doesn’t make life easy.
Posted on Sep-11-2009