Joe Cline's Article in Finance
Types of Credit and How They Affect Your Credit Rating
If you want to take charge of your credit, you need to understand how the four different types of credit work, and how they affect your credit rating. Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your finances.
Posted on Jun-03-2010
Strategic Default: Banks Do It, Now Consumers Are Following
A strategic default specifically refers to when a homeowner stops making payments on a home not because they cannot afford to make the payments, but because they believe continuing to pay on their mortgage is not in their financial best interests.
Posted on Jun-03-2010
The New $100 Bill
The treasury recently announced a new redesign of the $100 bill that will start circulating in 2011. While the old bill had a great set of features designed to keep counterfeiters at bay, the new bill goes a few steps further.
Posted on May-03-2010
Executive Compensation and the Current Recession
With the recession in full effect, just about every level on the corporate ladder is feeling the heat. Much has been made about the compensation packages for executives and whether or not they are being affected.
Posted on Feb-19-2010
The Probate Process Explained
Probate is one of the most common and least understood legal proceedings. It basically comprises the settlement of all financial matters pertaining to the estate of an individual after their death.
Posted on Feb-05-2010
Getting Through Christmas on a Tight Budget
With the economy in the slumps and consumers leery to spend their hard earned money, it’s hard to imagine a very merry Christmas.
Posted on Nov-12-2009
Maintain Your Home to Maintain Its Value
A properly maintained home provides worry-free living and protects the value of your property. Many homeowners find it difficult to remember to perform these basic tasks, however. A checklist can be helpful in ensuring that your home receives the attention it needs to function at its best.
Posted on Sep-16-2009
Getting Office Space on a Budget
An office business center is a shared office facility or series of facilities, fully equipped, staffed and furnished to need. Based on a monthly market value, a person or small business can rent a facility or office of this nature.
Posted on Aug-27-2009