Joe Cline's Article in Business
How Pawn Shops Work
If you have never been to a pawn shop, there's no time like the present to check one out. Some of the best deals in town can be had on general merchandise and those unique one of a kind items. Surprisingly, many people still do not know how pawn shops work and may be a bit skittish about the quality of the merchandise.
Posted on May-07-2010
Things to Consider When Offered a Job Transfer
If you have recently been offered a job transfer, you probably have a lot weighing on your mind. You may have been wanting or waiting for this transfer for quite some time, or perhaps it’s been offered as the only way for you to keep your job.
Posted on Dec-03-2009
When to Outsource
Outsourcing is akin to a four-letter word in many parts of America. Jobs that could be held in the States are, instead, being taken by employees in other countries, such as China and India.
Posted on Aug-16-2009
Choosing an Accountant for Your Real Estate Business
You are picky about the doctor you see when something is wrong. You don’t want an MD who specializes in orthopedics if the problem lies in your back. Similarly, you wouldn’t look to a large animal veterinarian when your hamster starts wheezing.
Posted on Aug-16-2009
Business Friendly Texas
Small business owners that are looking for the perfect place to start their business can find a true gem in the state of Texas. Texas is extremely friendly toward businesses of all sizes, but those with small businesses find the state particularly inviting.
Posted on May-29-2009
Austin's Entrepreneurial Climate
Austin, for many years now, has been one of the perfect places to start a business or a career, and yes, a family.
Posted on May-29-2009