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681 Six Reasons Why the Apple TV Missed the Mark
This article is a review of the Apple TV. There are some things that is thought to be missing from this new product. If you would like to know what they are, read more here. read more...
By Andrew | Oct-08-2010 | Consumer Electronics

702 Make your business run smoothly with integrated decision support system
Integrated Decision support system will allow you evaluate and process the information from various resources and present before you a processed evaluation that will help you take wise decisions for your business. read more...
By JP Batra01 | Oct-08-2010 | Computer Certification

1044 FHA Certification for Condominium Associations
This article illustrates the benefits of having your condominium association certified by the FHA. The article also provides updates from the FHA as of Febuary 2010 and the steps required for having the property certified. read more...
By Brent Horvay | Oct-08-2010 | Real Estate

1089 Make Your Own Prophecies Under The Shades Of Immortality
It is an ever green and breathing question that hovers across the lobes of any human being time and again as to how far a man can extend his longevity following the basic fundamental rule of life. But the perfect definition has still to be coined under some names that can personify themselves as immortal. This is because the factors and the aspects that cater about the notion and perception of immortality have got unscalable depth that perhaps no human can measure in one lifetime. read more...
By Sanjay Joshi | Oct-08-2010 | Spirituality

1192 Super Human Powers and Abilities Are Feasible and Attainable - Read Further to Know More
As a child most of us had dreams pertaining to super human powers and abilities, we thought what if we could fly, walk through walls, become super strong and super fast, become invisible, read other's mind and do a lot of other chores which seemed impossible. But in the phase when we were growing up, this realistic world made us believe that it is impossible to achieve god like powers and abilities and we were trained to think and act rationally and level headedly. read more...
By Sanjay Joshi | Oct-08-2010 | Spirituality

1659 Jane Eyre: An Autobiography
Charlotte Bronte's 'Jane Eyre: An Autobiography' is a first person narrative of the title character and how her own life relates to the life of her created character Jane Eyre. read more...
By Nick DAlleva | Oct-08-2010 | Arts and Entertainment

688 Memory and Loss in “Last Year at Marienbad”
Alain Robbe-Grillet's "Last Year at Marienbad" is a powerful film about deja vu where a stranger tries to persuade a married woman to run away with him, however she does not remember the affair they had. read more...
By Nick DAlleva | Oct-08-2010 | Arts and Entertainment

907 Cultural Warfare
Conflict has been around since the dawn of time and references to conflict can be seen in the earliest literature. As evidenced by history, it appears that war is unavoidable. read more...
By Nick DAlleva | Oct-08-2010 | Reference and Education

957 Cold Calling
Cold calling is an important part of generating leads for businesses. This guide to cold calling will help you make the most of your efforts on the phone. read more...
By Nick DAlleva | Oct-08-2010 | Business

1009 How to Start a Call Center
Call centers are very relevant to today's business climate. With so many small businesses looking for virtual solutions, starting a call center can be a very lucrative and rewarding experience. read more...
By Nick DAlleva | Oct-08-2010 | Communications

696 History of the Ethernet Cable
The speed advancements of the ethernet cable over the years has enabled advancements in communication. read more...
By Nick DAlleva | Oct-08-2010 | Communications

467 Taking The Superiority of Directory Submission For the purpose of SEO Success
Directory submission features one way backlinks to your site. There are 2 different types of directory submissions including basic directory submission and premium directory submission. Ordinary directory submission is normally used by site owners to put in their site since it costs nothing. read more...
By charlio223 | Oct-08-2010 | SEO

440 Designing An appropriate Website For SEO Results
Competition is the factor that cause the instincts of Humans to perform quick and far better. Now the source of knowledge is not just limited to books, libraries, journals and so on but there are a few quicker options. Internet is the least difficult and also the well-experienced information source useable which has influenced the ways of business, education and also pretty much each and every industry. read more...
By charlio223 | Oct-08-2010 | SEO

472 Article submission - Effective Strategy For Web business Achievement
There is one online marketing technique that many people are timid about, and that's article marketing. As an online business person I know you have overheard other folks discussing the advantages and disadvantages of articles publishing. Now, I would like to share with you the strength of this web marketing method. The concept of this online marketing tactic is to share content which is related to your internet site thereby add value to your target audiences’ experience. read more...
By charlio223 | Oct-08-2010 | SEO

525 Android App Development FAQ
When it comes to the realm of Android app development, creativity and practicality rule. The best applications are easy to use, attractive and engaging. Achieving all three is no small feat. Read below as we answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Android app development. read more...
By Bradley Hunt | Oct-08-2010 | Business

695 All you need to know about HGC Drops and diet plan
HCG a derivative of a human chorionic Gonadotrophin hormone can be a very effective tool if you are considering weight reduction. You can simply erase the hard to reduce fats from your body by using HCG with a low calorie diet. read more...
By William Blake0 | Oct-08-2010 | Weight Loss

415 Who is leading the way in eliminating the use of Plastic Garbage Bags?
The answer may surprise or shock you depending on your perspective but the worlds largest democracy is certainly drawing a line in the sand.The Pioneer newspaper in New Dehli India published an op-ed article on November 5th of this year stating the following tidbit of information. read more...
By buygreensavvy | Oct-08-2010 | Business

373 Read the label when buying Linen Shower Curtains
Common vinyl shower curtains release chemical gases and odors from their ingredients and are manufactured with non-renewable and chemical products. They are difficult to clean and end up in a landfill where they don't biodegrade and potentially release dangerous substances into the aquifer. read more...
By buygreensavvy | Oct-08-2010 | Business

410 Non Biodegradable Garbage Bags, Why?
I had a vividly strange dream last night that all the garbage eating bugs and worms at our dump were dying off from starvation because they couldn’t get a good meal. The reason, our household garbage was being carted off to the landfills in non biodegradable garbage bags. It was a strange dream indeed. read more...
By buygreensavvy | Oct-08-2010 | Business

783 In search of the best biodegradable bags?
Single use bags are getting a lot of political press these days and the question of paper or plastic at the grocery store seems a bit old school at this point, or is it? Some grocery chains have switched to a new version of plastic, or as it is marketed, biodegradable plastic to ease the burden of this grocery checkout dilemma. read more...
By buygreensavvy | Oct-08-2010 | Home and Family

501 Frugality Doesn’t Mean Cheap, It Means Smart!
I have to admit, looking for the lowest price on a particular brand is always the best choice and frugal shoppers have lots of choices these days while awaiting for the economic stimulus to reach mainstreet. If you are looking for a “cheap” water filter, there are many to choose from and a variety of places to purchase. read more...
By buygreensavvy | Oct-08-2010 | Home and Family

453 Check the Label and Truly Stimulate your Economy!
One of the more simple home accessories is the bathroom shower curtain and guess what, 99% are not made in the United States. Is that a problem really? Probably not as bathroom shower curtains, trash bags, etc are what we call commodities and really should be sourced where labor is cheap. read more...
By buygreensavvy | Oct-08-2010 | Home and Family

437 Do we really need to spend more green to be green?
On July 21, 2009, the Green Brands Global Survey was conducted by Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates (PSB) with fellow WPP (NASDAQ: WPPGY) agencies Landor Associates and Cohn & Wolfe, as well as independent strategy consulting firm Esty Environmental Partners to give us some relevant consumer information. Basically, consumers were willing to spend more green to get green. read more...
By buygreensavvy | Oct-08-2010 | Home and Family

410 What is a single use bag anyway?
Excerpt from the Los Alto’s Town Crier, May 10, 2009. The Los Altos Environmental Commission May 11 unanimously approved a plan to promote elimination of single-use bags. The proposal is scheduled for discussion at Tuesday’s city council meeting. read more...
By buygreensavvy | Oct-08-2010 | Home and Family

414 A Recyclable Shower Curtain, Who is Kidding Who?
Regular vinyl shower curtains release chemical gases and odors from their ingredients and are manufactured with non-renewable and chemical resources. They are difficult to clean and end up in a landfill where they don't decompose and could release dangerous substances into the ground. The alternative that we liked the best is a linen shower curtain made of 100% hemp found at read more...
By buygreensavvy | Oct-08-2010 | Home and Family