Edwina Toulmin's Article in Health and Fitness

1124 Top Reasons for Dental Phobia and Expert Tips to Overcome It
Did you know high dental fear affects approximately one in six Australian adults and about one in ten children? The prevalence of high dental fear ranged from 7.8% to 18.8%, and more incapacitating dental phobia from 0.9% to 5.4%, depending upon the scale, cut-point and specific criteria used.
Posted on Jul-27-2016

1541 Wisdom Teeth Removal – Things to Know
Went for a regular dental check-up? At the end of the check, your dentist in North Sydney suggest to have your wisdom teeth removed but you say they don’t hurt, so why to remove them? Then this post is for you.
Posted on Jul-04-2016

1619 How to Stop Snoring – Tips to Help You or Your Partner
Be honest. Do you keep your partner awake at night with your noisy snores? If yes, it is recommended to get some tips on how to stop it. Snoring can be a sign that you are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea which can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes and depression.
Posted on Jun-21-2016