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Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney - How Long Will Recovery Take?

Posted On : Mar-12-2022 | seen (223) times | Article Word Count : 526 |

If you're looking to have your wisdom teeth removed, it's always good to know what to expect in terms of recovery time and costs before you go through with the procedure.
If you're looking to have your wisdom teeth removed, it's always good to know what to expect in terms of recovery time and costs before you go through with the procedure.


If you're looking to have your wisdom teeth removed, it's always good to know what to expect in terms of recovery time and costs before you go through with the procedure. You'll likely spend less money by opting for wisdom teeth removal in Sydney rather than getting the procedure done back home, but how long does the recovery process take? The answer depends on how many teeth need removal and how soon you start eating normal foods again after the extraction.

Why Do We Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are known as third molars, and they come into place at a later time in our lives than primary or second molars. While primary and second molars (our incisors and bicuspids) erupt around ages 6 to 10, wisdom teeth usually emerge during adolescence (ages 13 to 17). If wisdom teeth don't make it through their usual birthing process – an eruption process called impaction – we have to remove them as adults.

Wisdom teeth can become impacted, which means they can get stuck in your jaw and fail to break through your gums. This can cause infections and diseases, as well as a lot of pain. If you're impacted and need surgery to remove wisdom teeth, most likely, you will also need oral surgery performed by a dentist or periodontist who has expertise in extractions. Only with them, you can have a cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney without compromising the quality of the treatment.

What to Expect During the Recovery Period

After wisdom teeth removal surgery, your recovery time will be relatively short—typically a few days to one week. While you're healing, there are several things you can do to hasten your recovery and minimize discomfort. These include staying hydrated and eating soft foods. Over-the-counter medications may also help ease pain or swelling. In most cases, patients can go back to work within a few days of wisdom teeth removal surgery but should avoid strenuous activities for at least a week after their procedure.

How Long Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery?

You can expect to be in recovery for 2-3 days after your wisdom teeth removal surgery, but in some cases, it could take longer if complications arise during your surgery. As with any dental procedure, there are risks associated with wisdom teeth removal: infection and swelling are possible post-op complications that you should watch out for. However, most patients have no problems or experience a speedy recovery from wisdom teeth extraction.

The Bottom Line

Hope you are aware of the wisdom teeth recovery period. If you're having your wisdom teeth removed, make sure you get the facts from your dentist first about the procedure and the wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney. And, don't panic, wisdom teeth removal Sydney can be done under general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic, depending on the patient's preferences and the complexity of the procedure required.

Article Source : Teeth Removal Sydney - How Long Will Recovery Take?_328775.aspx

Author Resource :
The author of this article is a qualified dentist expert on wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. In this article, he discusses the wisdom teeth removal recovery period. For more details, visit

Keywords : Wisdom teeth removal sydney, Wisdom Teeth removal Cost sydney, , Cheap wisdom teeth removal Sydney,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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