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Will Google Dominate Facebook For Social Media?

Posted On : Jan-10-2015 | seen (278) times | Article Word Count : 453 |

When people log onto the Internet, they generally tend to go to three places to go. These three sites are Google, e-mail and Facebook. Which of these three your first visit, has a lot to do with the settings of your browser.
When people log onto the Internet, they generally tend to go to three places to go. These three sites are Google, e-mail and Facebook. Which of these three your first visit, has a lot to do with the settings of your browser. Logically, set your homepage is the first site you visit when you open your browser.

In many cases this will be Google. Google helps you tremendously well in your search on the Internet. Google provides you the most relevant results based on an algorithm based largely on recommendations. We all know these recommendations in the form of links.
What can Facebook do better than Google?

Facebook also has these recommendations in the form of Likes. This type of recommendation has more value as the recommendation is linked to demographic information. This implies that much more personal search can be tailored to the user (in the distance I see Web 3.0!?).

Course, this is all pretty theoretical, especially since Facebook does not even have a search function available to the worldwide web. But there are several indications in recent years that the Internet is in this direction will develop.

- Reviews and product / service recommendations are increasingly an important role in e-commerce.
- No one will deny that social cues play an increasing role.
- Although Facebook has no search function, they have a great cooperation deal signed with Microsoft. And I think this had little to do with the expansion of their data centers!
- According to Techcrunch, Facebook last year an A / B split test done to encourage users to Facebook to set as their homepage. This may in the future, a huge loss of Google traffic mean.

Of course, Google has also long been understood and the struggle for social cues erupted.

- Both Facebook and Google have astronomical amounts offered to take over Twitter.
- There are also the many social projects from Google, which never really got off the ground.

This struggle will be conducted in other areas. Of course both parties want an all-in-one solution for the user not to lose visitors. And that brings us to the third place we visit the most, our email. There are daily messages sent billions on Facebook. If this system is further developed, could well be that we have our current email system to exchange this (Facebook Announces New Messaging System: "It's Not Email")

On the other hand, Facebook may be overvalued (= 65 billion dollars) and the new Internet bubble, the future will tell.

Article Source : Google Dominate Facebook For Social Media? _65469.aspx

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Keywords : email marketing, mail,

Category : Business : Business

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