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Why to inspect and keep track of organization’s assets?

Posted On : Nov-07-2011 | seen (230) times | Article Word Count : 501 |

In the present scenario, software asset management has become an important activity for any organization, big or small. With the help of a professional and proficient software asset management tool, you can easily and efficiently manage your software assets.
In the present scenario, there has been set a trend for organizations to inspect and keep track of the various hardware as well as software assets that are owned by an organization.
Now you must be thinking as to what is the need of keeping track and inspecting the various hardware as well as software assets of an organization.
Well, periodically inspecting and keeping track of the various hardware as well as software assets solves a lot of purposes.
The benefit of periodically inspecting and keeping track of the various hardware and software assets is that it helps in determining the status of computer systems as well as figure out the loop holes or flaws. These loop holes or the flaws need to be addressed at the earliest.
In detail, the benefit of inspecting software assets or performing software audit is that the organization is aware of the loop holes and various flaws and can accordingly prepare an action plan so that minor issues do not become severe problems which can be solved with difficulty.
With the help of this timely software asset inspection, the organizations are able to keep track of software assets that it owns and leases, as well as their lifecycles.
This practice has resulted in the organizations being able to manage their software in a better way.
Moreover, with the help of efficient software asset management, organizations are able to refrain themselves from either under spending or over spending money on their software assets. They are also able to avoid any legal risks and their consequences.
According to a recent study, good software asset management tools enables organizations recover or salvage about 30% of their software expenses and up to 10% annually. Moreover, with the help of optimized solutions, these savings can be doubled.
Now the next big question is as to how to perform software asset management?
Well, with the help of a professional and proficient software asset management tool, you can easily and efficiently perform software asset management.
A number of network management tools are available in the market. Carefully choose the one that is as per your requirements.
However, in case you feel confused while deciding upon a network management tool, we would suggest you to work on the free demo version of the software audit tool. This would help you in analyzing and evaluating the various features, functionalities, as well as performance of the tool.
Once you feel confident about working on the tool, we would suggest you to purchase the complete version of the tool.
Lepide software asset management is a professional, brilliantly designed, comprehensive, and at the same time an output driven third party Software Audit tool that is specifically devised to perform software asset management.
Lepide software asset management tool comes with an intuitive, interactive, as well as completely self-explanatory graphical user interface which is so simple and easy to use that it does not require any special technical skills to work on it.

Article Source : to inspect and keep track of organization’s assets?_100998.aspx

Author Resource :
The author of this article is a content writer with immense knowledge on Software Audit and Network Management. He uses his knowledge to write articles on software asset management.

Keywords : Software Audit, Network Management,

Category : Computers : Software

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