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Why Use Pond Dye?

Posted On : Aug-31-2010 | seen (1933) times | Article Word Count : 527 |

The use of pond dye can give a lot of benefits to the pond owner. It is necessary to know what a pond dye is and how it works to maximize its advantages.
Pond dyes have been used by pond hobbyists for many years now. The benefits they offer do not stop at the aesthetic value they add to the water feature. Pond dyes are actually capable of doing the job of other chemicals use in a pond. It can even replace algaecides for that matter.
Although the natural color and state of the water in the pond can be enough, the use of pond dye can be deemed necessary. Just like the artificially colored foods that give added appetite to anyone, pond dye adds pleasure to the eyes of anyone who sees it.
Many ask why artificially color a pond when the natural color of the water can be enough. The answer lies on the other tasks pond dyes have. Usually in dark shades, pond dye works to reduce the sunlight that reaches the bottom part of the pond. Since sunlight triggers the growth of unwanted creatures light blanket weed and algae, the use of pond dye becomes more and more compulsory.
As mentioned above, the use of pond dye can be so beneficial that you would not need to resort on using harmful chemicals in your pond. Pond dye is proven to be non-toxic to animals, plants and even human beings. Hence, many garden pond enthusiasts are now starting to choose pond dyes oven other pond chemicals. Another thing is that a dyed pond does not develop frozen surface during the winter season. And finally, pond dye helps prevent the attack of predators to the fish in the pond.
Pond dyes play an important role in controlling the algae to grow in blooms. Since algae start developing right at the bottom of the pond, it is nothing but a must to prevent sunlight from reaching that area. However, it seems impossible to be done especially if the pond is too shallow. That is when pond dye comes in. the color that the dye gives to the water makes it hard for sunlight to reach the water bed thus preventing the growth of more algae. On the contrary, pond dye does not work as an algaecide which kills existing surface algae. It is more of a controlling agent.
Springtime would be the perfect season to add the colorant to the pond water. It should be applies as early as possible within the said season. This will allow the dye to do its job of blocking the sunlight thus preventing new algae from germinating. If this is done in the proper timing, the effect can last for the entire season.
For those who have fish ponds, it is not surprising to have predators like birds, cats or dogs from roaming around your precious water feature. The fish swimming in the water are their food so might as well do something for them not to be seen by the predators. Pond dye does the trick of making the water darker and preventing the fish from being visible.
If I were you, I’d go for pond dyes rather than other chemical-based pond products. The benefits you can get from this kind of colorant are immeasurable indeed.

Article Source : Use Pond Dye?_31276.aspx

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Visit to know more about the uses and benefits of pond dye and treatments for green water treatment.

Keywords : pond dye, uses of pond dye, benefits of pond dye,

Category : Reference and Education : Environmental

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