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Sherry Shellenberger has 10 Published Articles

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The Alert Program®,
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What is Self-Regulation and How Can It Help Kids?

Posted On : Mar-23-2018 | seen (713) times | Article Word Count : 716 |

As humans we are greatly influenced by our level of alertness when we set out to complete a task or participate in normal everyday activities. Our ability to self-regulate and our ability to process sensory information, play an important role in how we react to different situations.
As humans we are greatly influenced by our level of alertness when we set out to complete a task or participate in normal everyday activities. Our ability to self-regulate and our ability to process sensory information, play an important role in how we react to different situations. Sometimes we find we are just not up to the task (feeling “sluggish” or in a “low alert level”), but we need to push on. At times like these we can change our level of alertness through external methods like crunching on popcorn, listening to classical or rock n roll music, or even jumping in place. These simple methods are self-regulation strategies.

What is Self-Regulation?

Self-regulation refers to the ability to change our level of alertness in different tasks or situations. Regardless of our age or intelligence level one can learn how to support changing how alert we feel. Sometimes we feel bogged down and sometimes we feel ramped up and excited. Another way to look at it is through the analogy of a car engine; sometimes it runs high sometimes it runs low. Using simple analogies like these is a great way to distill the complex theory surrounding self-regulation and find the optimal level of alertness in different situations.

While many learn how to self-regulate without the help of an AOTA Approved Provider, for children - especially children with developmental disabilities -adapting to different sensory environments and changing how alert they feel can be extremely challenging; while parents may automatically use sensory strategies to help themselves to be in a “just right” alert level for their tasks throughout the day, they may not be aware of or able to convey these sensorimotor methods to their kids. For parents who want support in learning how to support self-regulation with their kids, there are several online self-regulation programs, books, games, and songs to make their children’s home and school life easier.

Do Kids Need Self-Regulation?

Yes, they do! Children face the same difficulties that we do, when they set out to do tasks in their day sometimes they are not at an optimal level of alertness. For instance, the first day of childcare, moving into a new neighborhood or the birth of a sibling can be overwhelming challenges for some children. For those with sensory processing difficulties, getting dressed, riding the bus to school, or settling down to fall asleep can be equally challenging. However, with occupational therapy online courses, if children are provided with self-regulation skills, they will be better at coping with these challenging situations. This ability to change their level of alertness will pay dividends down the road helping them live fuller more successful lives.

However, self-regulation techniques of this sort cannot be developed in a day and may also not be consistently efficient in young children, so they will need extra support and guidance from parents and teachers. Parents may be frustrated at their inability to help their child or be there for them, after a difficult day at school or after a sensory meltdown. That’s when parents and teachers will want to consult with their occupational therapist or take an online self-regulation program.

How Can I Teach My Kid to Self-Regulate?

There are several self-regulation online courses that can provide parents (and teachers) with the skills necessary to provide children with effective self-regulation techniques.

Activities could range from teaching your child to sipping on a warm cup of non-caffeine tea or listening to quiet music to make bedtime routines flow easier to calm down. Similarly, listening to rock ‘n roll music or engaging in a bout of rough and tumble exercise upon rising can make morning routines flow better. Self-regulation skills can be taught with a host of different games, songs and materials. Encouraging the use of fidgeting “tools” and heavy work activities (pushing, pulling, tugging, towing, and carrying heavy objects) will support self-regulation and help with creating a better focus.

Equipped with these skills and a working knowledge of self-regulation, parents will be able to better guide their children towards self-regulation in difficult sensory situations, helping them to handle unfamiliar environments with ease and forming healthy relationships even in new and unfamiliar situations.

Article Source : is Self-Regulation and How Can It Help Kids?_321449.aspx

Author Resource :
The author lives in Albuquerque and has developed programs that have helped numerous children lead more balanced and healthy lives. She believes that any child can learn effective self-regulation strategies with the right sort of guidance and a lot of fun thrown in! Visit for more details.

Keywords : AOTA Approved Provider, online self-regulation programs, occupational therapy online courses, self-regulation online courses,

Category : Reference and Education : Reference and Education

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