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What are SEO, PPC and SMO packages? – A Brief Primer

Posted On : Dec-28-2011 | seen (581) times | Article Word Count : 487 |

SEO packages, PPC packages, and SMO packages are a few of the most well known internet marketing services. It may be worthwhile to familiarize yourself with these terms, if you are thinking of ways to promote your website. This article briefly describes these three types of internet promotional services.
There are many types of internet marketing services available these days; SEO packages, PPC packages, and SMO packages are a few of the most well known ones. But are you that familiar with them? It may be that while you have heard these terms being used by others, while mentioning their benefits, you may not be actually aware of what these packages involve, in terms of the services they can provide you and your web based business. That’s why we will give you a brief description of SEO packages, PPC packages and SMO packages below:

1.SEO packages: These are internet marketing services that concentrate on Search Engine Optimization or SEO, for short. Such services basically try to improve your search engine rankings in major search engines like Google and Yahoo. This means that web searchers will encounter your website earlier in the search results whenever they search for particular keywords that are relevant to your company’s products and services. The services included in many SEO packages include finding out relevant keywords that are most popular as search terms and then optimizing your website with regard to those terms. SEO is very important as research has shown that web users are likely to click on the first few results whenever they search for anything, whether or not there are other good websites in the rest of the results.

2.PPC packages: PPC is the acronym for ‘Pay Per Click’, which refers to a form of internet advertising, in which you put up an ad on search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing, or content websites. You pay a fixed amount to the ad publisher or search engine for every click on your advertisement. Ads put up on search engines usually come at the top or side of the natural or ‘organic’ search results. You have to bid for particular keywords or terms; if you are the highest bidder, your ad will appear whenever someone types in those keywords in the search engine. PPC packages are a good choice if you want immediate traffic to your website; but it can be a little costly as a long term strategy.

3.SMO packages: Social Media Optimization or SMO is the process of optimizing a website through the use of social media on the internet, like Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogger, YouTube, Flickr, and RSS feeds. There are two types of SMO methods-either social media features are added to the content on your website, like RSS feeds, sharing buttons, user rating and polling tools. Or else, promotional activity is carried out on social media, apart from the content being promoted, like blogging, commenting on social forums, and posting status updates on social networking profiles. SMO packages are a good way of creating ‘word of mouth’ publicity and a good tool for online reputation management.

Article Source : are SEO, PPC and SMO packages? – A Brief Primer _125575.aspx

Author Resource :
Gina Thompson is an avid writer, who is a regular contributor to SEO Services India industry. She has vast experience in content writing services and has been writing quality content about SEO packages, PPC packages and SMO packages for SEO Company India - Techmagnate.

Keywords : SEO Packages, PPC Packages, SMO packages,

Category : Internet Business : Internet Business

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