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Tips for dealing with runners knee and low back pain

Posted On : Jul-25-2011 | seen (358) times | Article Word Count : 573 |

The fact is that no matter what your age or your physical condition, if you exercise or participate in sports regularly you are going to have to endure a few aches and pains along the way.
The fact is that no matter what your age or your physical condition, if you exercise or participate in sports regularly you are going to have to endure a few aches and pains along the way. And in our work as personal athletic trainers, we hear about many injuries that our clients are dealing with and need help with.

Two of the most common we are asked about are runners knee and low back pain, as both of these injuries can cause someone to re-consider whether or not they need to seek medical attention or even cease physical activity at least for some time. Here are a few suggestions about how to deal with these injuries on your own – but please be advised that no doctor was consulted on these treatments and self diagnosis isn’t always the best way to deal with pain.

Runners Knee

What is it: There is a groove in your knee that you knee cap is supposed to slide smoothly in. When it doesn’t stay in that groove, pain is felt around the knee cap. The pain is most evident when you sit for long periods of time or walk up or down stairs.

Causes: A muscular imbalance in the quadriceps muscles (front of the leg). There are four major muscles in the quads and for some reason (and there are many reasons that can cause this), one muscle is weaker than the others. This causes the knee cap to slide improperly.

Treatments: Depending on the severity of the case, a doctor should probably be consulted. There are a lot of things that can cause knee pain and none of them should be taken lightly. However, many times, a simple exercise can cure or prevent knee pain. While doing a squat, on the first set, turn your toes inside but be sure to keep your knee over your toes. This strengthens the outside quad muscles. On the next set, turn your toe to the outside; this will strengthen the inside of the quads. On the final set, keep your toes straight ahead; this strengthens all the muscles equally. If you do this for about two weeks every other day, your knee pain might eventually go away.

Lower Back Pain

Causes: Pain in the lower back can be caused by many different things; usually it is because of a lack of core body strength. New clients usually experience the most back pain because of the stress on the back when our instructors are training clients with new exercises. The body (back) is being put in a position that it isn’t used to being put in, and weakness in the back (or core body) can cause pain. Our trainers most often hear client’s reports back pain when they are performing Squats and Leg Raises.

Treatments: Usually, if the client just continues to do the exercise over a period of a week or two, the core body will get stronger and the pain will disappear on its own. However, do not push through back pain. Listen to your body. Ask your trainer how to modify the exercise if you are experiencing pain and they will adjust the range of motion which usually decreases the intensity of the pain, while still working your muscles.

Article Source : for dealing with runners knee and low back pain_68622.aspx

Author Resource :
Tom Kalka is the President of Custom Fitness Concepts, a Virginia based exercise company specializing in outdoor fitness boot camps. Sign up for a free class today and learn find out more about how a exercise program can help avoid repetitive use injuries like the ones discussed in this article, as well as help with weight loss.

Keywords : exercise company, weight loss, exercise program,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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