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Things to Know About Wisdom Teeth Recovery

Posted On : Nov-09-2018 | seen (653) times | Article Word Count : 450 |

The wisdom teeth removal in Sydney is a surgical extraction to remove one or more third molars which are located at the back of your mouth on the top and bottom. You are likely to have them by the time you reach your mid-twenties.
The wisdom teeth removal in Sydney is a surgical extraction to remove one or more third molars which are located at the back of your mouth on the top and bottom. You are likely to have them by the time you reach your mid-twenties. But, still many find they come through earlier or later than this.

For some, wisdom teeth do not come through properly and causing several dental problems like pain, swelling, and infection. You can ease out these symptoms by extracting the problematic wisdom teeth.

Why should you remove your wisdom teeth?

If you do not extract your wisdom teeth you may experience the following oral issues.


When there is not enough space on the jaw-line for accommodating third molars, overcrowding can occur. The teeth will begin to shift or overlap each other. A wisdom tooth that erupts after orthodontic work can lead to redoing the dental work. So this is why wisdom teeth removal in Sydney is necessary.

Impacted wisdom teeth

An impacted wisdom tooth can be very painful and lead to gum disease and infection. Sometimes the wisdom tooth becomes impacted when they get trapped under the jaw due to inadequate space on the jaw-line. The type of impaction determines the complexity of the procedure, and it affects the wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney.

Recovering from wisdom teeth removal in Sydney

Wisdom teeth Sydney removal is a standard procedure and recovery takes two to three weeks.

Pain relief

You may experience pain after the surgery, but it can be managed with the help of painkillers. The dentist will suggest you antibiotics and painkillers to reduce pain and heal quickly. For quick recovery, follow the post-operative instructions in the patient information leaflet that comes along with your medicine.

You can notice swelling and stiffness in your jaw after the surgery, and it may be there for a couple of days. Using an ice pack on your cheek can help reduce this.

Keep the wound clean

Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can keep the wound clean, help to fight bacteria and heal quickly. But, make sure you do not rinse with more force which will dislodge the blood clot and leads to dry socket. After three days you must be able to brush your teeth as usual.

Eating and drinking

Follow healthy diet to promote healing. After the surgery, stick to a liquid diet and gradually return to your usual food. Avoid alcohol, very hot or cold drinks immediately after the surgery.

Article Source : to Know About Wisdom Teeth Recovery_322233.aspx

Author Resource :
The author is a blogger, and he is an experienced dentist. With the team of dental professionals, he alleges to provide safe, painless wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. Visit for further details.

Keywords : wisdom teeth removal in Sydney, wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney, Wisdom teeth Sydney,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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