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Things You Should Know About Professional Teeth Whitening

Posted On : Sep-22-2022 | seen (152) times | Article Word Count : 547 |

If you have yellow or stained teeth, then you probably want them to be whiter.
If you have yellow or stained teeth, then you probably want them to be whiter. Professional teeth whitening can make your teeth as white as you’ve always wanted them to be, but there are some things that you should know before going this route. If you’re considering getting your teeth whitened with orthodontist Epping, here are 4 things that you should know about this procedure before deciding whether or not it’s right for you.

1) The Cost

The cost of professional teeth whitening depends on the number of treatments needed and the individual clinic you visit. Some places offer deals that make it cheaper to do one or two sessions in order to see if you like it, but this is not always an option. Usually, general teeth whitening at a reputable office can cost about $800. You can even expect this just at $650 if you choose the right dental clinic.

2) Considerations Before Having It Done

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry treatment that can make teeth significantly brighter in just one day. Here are a few things you should know before heading to the emergency dentist Epping for professional teeth whitening:

-It's not recommended if you're pregnant or have a history of dental infections.

-If you want to avoid tooth sensitivity, ask your dentist about using a desensitizing agent with your procedure.

- If you've had tooth whitening done before, it's best to wait at least six months before undergoing another treatment.

-Talk to your dentist about any sensitivities, allergies or other medical conditions you have. Some teeth whiteners use bleach as an ingredient; those with allergies need to speak with their doctor beforehand.

3) Aftercare

Aftercare is also important to follow after teeth whitening Epping, since the colour in your mouth may take up to two weeks to return. It's a good idea to drink lots of water and make sure that you're brushing and flossing twice daily during this time. Avoid using alcohol or any acidic products (such as wine) on your teeth for at least twenty-four hours following treatment, since these substances can damage the enamel on your teeth.

4) Tips for Maintaining Your New Smile

1. Use a mouthwash with fluoride after brushing your teeth to help keep plaque and bacteria from building up and staining your teeth.

2. If you drink coffee or tea, be sure to wait 30 minutes before drinking it in order to give your tooth enamel a chance to re-harden.

3. Be mindful of which foods may stain your teeth and try eating them sparingly or wear a protective layer over your teeth when you eat them.

4. Take care of your gums by flossing daily. Gum disease can lead to tooth loss if left untreated.

5. Schedule regular dental visits for exams and professional cleanings to keep your smile looking its best!


If you want to keep your teeth looking their best and have a whiter, brighter smile, then professional teeth whitening may be the option for you. It is an effective solution that will get the job done for a more affordable price.

Article Source : You Should Know About Professional Teeth Whitening_329835.aspx

Author Resource :
The author of this article is a leading orthodontist Epping and offers his expertise to his clients on teeth whitening. In this article, he discusses a few things you should know about professional teeth whitening. To learn more, visit

Keywords : orthodontist Epping, emergency dentist Epping, teeth whitening Epping,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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