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The importance of spirituality in nursing

Posted On : Nov-30-2011 | seen (4586) times | Article Word Count : 962 |

The essence of nursing as a profession is the willingness and ability to heal the sick and needy.
The essence of nursing as a profession is the willingness and ability to heal the sick and needy. To now, the remarkable thing is that is perceived as opposed to general, is limited to healing, not only just physical care. Which means that care not only about ensuring, if the patient his / her medication was given on time, or if the bed sheets were changed, and the food was consumed. If a patient is sick or is suffering from an incurable disease, he or she goes through a series of traumas, the physical, emotional, and mental health effects. Therefore, in the care more efficient, you need to identify and cater for all these needs, especially their spiritual needs, most of the time, are unnoticed and unattended efficiently.

To identify the need for spirituality as a fundamental essence of care, it is important for one to what exactly is meant by the term "spirituality" meant. Well, many people associate spirituality with religion, but spirituality and religion are two different things. You can spiritual but not religious. On the other hand, religion can give you the opportunity to connect with your spiritual self. So, although the two terms are different, they can be complementary. Spirituality is your existence on this earth than the physical or material aspects. It is the combination of your inner self with the energy that flows in the universe. Spirituality is when you feel that you is not limited to a mere body, but your mind has a higher purpose on this planet. Spirituality helps one focus on his goal on this planet, to justify a cause behindhis suffering show, a hope beyond the suffering endured, and provide for a final journey to inner peace and fulfillment.

According to the Robert C. Fuller 's modern secular definition, "Spirituality exists wherever we struggle with the question of how our lives fit into the larger scheme of things. This is true when our questions never the way for specific answers or give rise to specific practices such as prayer or meditation. We encounter spiritual issues every time we wonder where the universe is why we are here, or what happens when we die. We are also spiritual, when we talk about values ​​such as beauty, love, or creativity that seem to reveal a meaning or power beyond our visible world has shifted. An idea or practice is "spiritual" when it reveals our personal desire to establish a felt-relationship with the powers of life. "

Now, after understanding the importance of spirituality, you can see why there should be an essential component to realize the care? When we talk about patients who have to deal with any form of physical or mental illness to speak, followed by spiritual distress. Although the focus of care is mainly in the healing of body and mind, proposes to recognize that unless the spiritual side is not well, the body and mind would not be at peace. If a patient is suffering from an incurable disease, many questions like "Why is this happening to me?", "What I done to deserve this?", "God has forbidden me?" Etc.. arise in their minds. During this time they are not bothered about taking their medications on time, it does not focus on the more material things, they are rather on something that is extremely spiritual focus andintangible. You try to connect with their higher self and want to know how their suffering is an integral part of the higher plan, that the universe has for them are.

The "what" and "whys" of their minds are nothing but their self-doubts about their spiritual existence. In situations like these, it is not the physical inputs, neither the emotional inputs that help the patient, will find peace. Therefore, it is very important to have a nurse to the spiritual needs of patients' needs. A nurse and the most appropriate person to do, because they are the ones who spend the most time the patients are. Therefore, during the time of spiritual need, there is only one nurse that the patient may be comforted by bonding with the patient on a spiritual level. This bond and connection that allows the patient to confide in the nurse spiritually. On the other hand, the nurse to go through the spiritual journey with the patient how he or she can see what goes through the patient. Doing simple things like to hear what the patient has to say, in conversation with the patient and respond to what he or she brings to expression, to ensure the recognition of the patient's thoughts and ideologies, and that you help the patient soul find peace with your presence is what is necessary to the spiritual need that the patient suffers comfort.

Let me give you an example of spiritual care. We are all aware of the fact that if a person suffer from grief because of the deadly disease that it is, many patients expect to see a white light. Well, if the patient expressed this experience to others who listen to most of them just quietly, withoutAnswer. However, you must understand that the patient is in a state of spiritual dilemma, and a response that clears the confusion looking. Therefore, fulfilling your duty as a spiritual healer, you will be expected to listen and respond to patients spiritual experience. You can ask them questions like: "What could the white light mean?" Or, "Where do you think the light leads us to" Starting a conversation like this is a spiritual bond between the caregiver and the structure Patients who can actually help to achieve the patient satisfaction and spiritual healing, which is the main purpose behind the whole concept of catering to the spiritual needs.

Article Source : importance of spirituality in nursing_112390.aspx

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