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Ten Kinds of Vegetables Make You Healthy And Happy Life

Posted On : Jun-29-2011 | seen (761) times | Article Word Count : 892 |

Ding good mother to eat the liver Ding-law, also known as dandelion, many people have seen in the wild. Its pollen contains vitamins,linoleic acid, choline ﹑ branches which have amino acids and trace elements.
Ding good mother to eat the liver

Ding-law, also known as dandelion, many people have seen in the wild. Its pollen contains vitamins,linoleic acid, choline ﹑ branches which have amino acids and trace elements.

The primary function of the small mother detoxification, swelling, and diuretic. It has a broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect, but also stimulate the body's immune function, to the role of gallbladder and liver. After it boiled raw, fried or soup can, such as jellyfish mix mother Ding, Ding mother shredded pork; but also with a green tea, honey, licorice, tune into the cup to detoxification, swelling of the mother D green tea.

Bitter herbs inhibit leukemia

The school called bitter herbs or lettuce Mai to take hemp food dish. Stem yellowish white; leaves oblong lanceolate, green surface, the back of the gray-green; flowers bright yellow tongue. Dried up the bitter herbs are rich in potassium calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper and other elements.

Bitter herbs to heat and dampness, drainage and swelling, stasis toxin, cooling blood to stop bleeding. Bitter herbs decoction concentrated ethanol extract of acute lymphoblastic leukemia ﹑ acute and chronic myeloid leukemia are inhibited. More common way of eating bitter herbs mixed with garlic, butter mixed with herbs, bitter herbs burning liver and so on.

Bracken has sedative effect

Bracken fern, also known as the leading children ﹑ food dishes, are more common in the wild. Fern-like leaves are curled, indicating it is relatively fresh, after the old leaves will unfold.

Eat bracken can play a heat Hua Chang, lower gas phlegm, diuretic and tranquilizing effect.

However, salted dried fern or fern had flooding in what is best to use before eating, to make it recover. Common way of eating fried loin with slippery silk fern, fern with pork, salad bracken and so on.

Campanulaceae anti-ulcer

Campanulaceae ﹑ monk known that leafy cap, said Lackey Korean people have said is it. It sticks out of the blue end to the flowers. Campanulaceae we eat are the root, it has expectorant and antitussive, antipyretic and analgesic, calm, lowering blood sugar, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-tumor and antibacterial effect.

Spleen tonic eat shepherd's purse

Shepherd's purse of flowering in April and June, Tanabe way, people can often see bits and pieces of the white shepherd's purse to spend. Its main therapeutic effect is cooling to stop bleeding, spleen tonic, heat water. Spear pick some shepherd's purse of spring or winter leaf buds, boiled after the salad, soup dipping sauce , fried can do filling, delicious shepherd's purse can also be boiled porridge.

Eat more hot days amaranth

Amaranth root is generally purple or lavender; stems little branched, green or lavender stripes; leaves are oval.

We usually eat the amaranth leaves and stems are more tender, they have heat diuretic ﹑ detoxification, nourishing yin role. In addition to fried ﹑ ﹑ cold soup, the amaranth is also used to do the stuffing. Such as cold amaranth, amaranth chicken, dumplings and other amaranth.

Water celery lower blood pressure

Also known as water celery celery cress ﹑ River. Its stems are hollow, triangular leaves, flowers are white, mainly grow in damp places, such as river and paddy fields.

Water celery have detoxification, lungs, spleen and stomach, digestion Daozhi, diuretic, hemostatic, hypotensive, anti-hepatitis, anti-arrhythmic, anti-bacterial effect. We eat a pork fried parsley, watercress and parsley mixed with mutton dumplings peanuts.

Ci Nenya Bushenyijing

Cinen Ya Long known as thorn buds, grown mainly in the bush and forest clearings. Unlike other wild herbs are the same, but the woody plants. Its bark is gray above and full of thick hard skin puncture; flowers are yellowish white; fruit is a berry, spherical, black.

Ci Nenya eaten part of it is mainly the buds, to play the qi, blood circulation, expelling wind, dampness, pain, kidney essence and so on.
Small root garlic anti-atherosclerosis

Small root, also known as Allium ﹑ reason garlic garlic. Its stems and leaves looked like garlic, onions ﹑ have the taste of garlic. Its role is to pass yang qi, chest Sanjie, Qi dredge, treat diarrhea

and the effect of high cholesterol in the blood of patients with elevated peroxide esters, to prevent atherosclerosis. Mainly eat small roots garlic tofu, or boil a small root of garlic jelly porridge.

Dent vegetables can cure diabetes

Dent vegetables, also known as purslane ﹑ longevity food. Usually reddish-brown, leaf hypertrophy, as long obovate, because looks like a horse tooth named. It contains fat, protein, riboflavin ,ascorbic acid sulfur and other nutrients. As more of them with acids, it will find a little time to eat some sour.

Dent function of medicinal food detoxification, cooling blood to stop bleeding. Because it is rich in norepinephrine, pancreatic gland secretion of insulin can promote, regulate body glucose metabolism, lower blood glucose levels, keep blood sugar constant, so have a therapeutic effect of diabetes.

In addition, it contains an unsaturated fatty acid, can inhibit the cholesterol and triglyceride formation, the cardiovascular protective effect. There are many eat it, fried boiled over after the cold, filling can do. Such as horse teeth Caichao eggs, steamed buns stuffed horse teeth vegetables, broiled point heat Zhili garlic horse teeth.

Article Source : Kinds of Vegetables Make You Healthy And Happy Life_64872.aspx

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