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Sourcing Insight – Legal Process Outsourcing

Posted On : Apr-05-2011 | seen (599) times | Article Word Count : 401 |

Over the past 7 to 8 years, Trestle Group has witnessed legal process outsourcing (LPO) gaining major importance in the sourcing sector, adding to the ever growing business process outsourcing (BPO) industry.
In the beginning, major law firms only outsourced limited, low-skilled legal tasks to third-party providers. Today, comprehensive LPO services are an integral piece of the value chain in legal departments of global companies.

As these services move deeper into the overall legal value chain, clients have become increasingly anxious about whether these services will fulfill their standards and if sufficient controls are in place.

Experience demonstrates that service providers focused on LPO grow into trusted organizations with mature delivery processes and indeed, fulfill the quality and data security expectations of their clients and in many cases, provide efficiencies and innovation.

Legal process outsourcing (LPO) is a trend on the rise that provides both multi-national corporations and law firms a range of benefits from improving operations to reducing costs. The pressure for these companies to outsource legal processes emanates from several sources.

The first driver is that highly qualified legal personnel should be used efficiently and strategically – not on administrative or basic tasks that consume time and valuable effort.

The second driver is cost reduction and efficiency that clients and stakeholders expect to be optimized in today’s competitive marketplace. LPO providers are specifically designed to deliver this advantage as their existence in the market is based on this promise. LPO offshore services, for example in India or the Philippines, offer large cost savings and high quality as they employ skilled legal staff trained for Western legal standards.

The third driver is access to flexible labor pools, around-the-clock service and innovative legal service delivery that are enticing more and more firms to re-evaluate and adjust their legal process-sourcing model.

Legal services range from low-level to high-level tasks and the decision, which services to outsource to an LPO provider - is challenging. The same principles used in traditional BPO engagements are applied in LPO engagements. This ensures that the firm outsourcing retains their core processes and the services provided by the service provider are integrated seamlessly into the end-to-end process.

Global LPO providers have already proven their competencies in destinations like India, the Philippines and South Africa. LPO providers are integrating their services into many of their global offices as a part of their global footprint approach, catering to “local” language requirements.

The LPO service provider global presence coupled with their maturity in providing these services builds a strong case for LPO sourcing.

Article Source : Insight – Legal Process Outsourcing_58271.aspx

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Keywords : LPO, BPO, legal process outsourcing, LPO firm, outsource legal work, LPO providers, LPO services and approach, LPO benefits a,

Category : Business : Business

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