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Organic Gardening: This is How it’s Done

Posted On : Jul-29-2009 | seen (934) times | Article Word Count : 522 |

In a nutshell, organic gardening is the practice of not using pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers in the whole process of growing all sorts of plants, flowers, vegetables, or fruits. By doing so, people are not only able to do their part in saving the environment, but the harvests produced by this practice are also much healthier.
In a nutshell, organic gardening is the practice of not using pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers in the whole process of growing all sorts of plants, flowers, vegetables, or fruits. By doing so, people are not only able to do their part in saving the environment, but the harvests produced by this practice are also much healthier. Moreover, this agricultural technique is also more cost-efficient as it does not require the purchase of insect and weed repellents that simply wipe out all the harmful insects in the garden without taking its overall health into consideration. Here are the three basic steps needed to start an organic garden.

Organic is the Way

One criticism about genetically altered seeds is that their manufacturers are also the same companies that develop the sprays for these seeds. Some believe that these companies alter the seeds in such a way that they will only become abundant if they are sprayed with their products. This is a shrewd maneuver in terms of profiting, but its negative effects on the environment are nothing to be proud of.

This is why it is best to go for organic seeds. The simplest way to find these types of seeds is by going online and ordering them from organic gardening websites. Another alternative is to check local greenhouses that are also known for selling organic seeds. Although it is cheaper to get them online, the advantage of purchasing organic seeds from local greenhouses is that they are more readily available. One wouldn’t need to place an order and wait up to six weeks for their seeds to be shipped to them.

Soil Type is Essential

The next step on the list is looking for a good location for the garden. In order to make the most out of one’s organic garden, it is necessary to pick the right type of soil. Ideally, the selected soil should be able to have good drainage while still being able to retain sufficient moisture. A good test to see if the soil is rich enough is by digging around six inches deep in the area. At this point there should already be a good amount of moisture retention. Otherwise, one would need to get a bit creative by adding some compost if it’s too dry, or by mixing in some sand if the soil is too wet.

Plan Things Out

A big mistake committed by both beginner and novice gardeners alike is simply scattering the seeds around the garden without a plan that has been thought out. One of the cardinal rules of gardening is to have a plan before actually planting the seeds. It is necessary to understand the requirements of each plant, especially the amount of sunlight they need in order to grow. For instance, lettuce prefer shady environments and should only be exposed to indirect sunlight. On the other hand, some types of flowers may need as much sunlight as possible in order to flourish so it wouldn’t be a good idea if one were to plant them near corn, which block the sun’s rays.

Article Source : Gardening: This is How it’s Done_2124.aspx

Author Resource :
Angus Horticulture is a leading supplier of garden products such as lawn and garden fertiliser. If you prefer a garden that requires less maintenance why not try Dekorbeton’s imprinted concrete which provide a low cost alternative to natural stone paving.

Keywords : Angus Horticulture, Plant Nutrients, Plant, Amenity, Agriculture, Gardening,

Category : Home and Family : Gardening

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