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How a Digital Cigarette Works

Posted On : Mar-08-2011 | seen (803) times | Article Word Count : 422 |

Learn the difference between regular tobacco and e cigs, and why e cigs are a better alternative for many people.
When the majority first hear about an electronic cigarette, the wonder is, How can it work? Can there be a flame? Should it get hot? How can be utilized to make smoke or maybe vapor? In the following paragraphs I will answer hundreds of basic questions and explain exactly why E cigarettes is a better alternative to regular tobacco.

With traditional tobacco people are seeking the feeling these people get when they smoke and also the enjoyable act of cigarette smoking itself. They may be seeking the nicotine inside the tobacco. The challenge with regular cigarettes, is there is a ton of additional biproducts besides nicotine that are inhaled which are unsafe to someones health, when all they may be really seeking is that nicotine.

Today With Electronic cigarettes, your smoke or "vapor" consists of water vapor and may be, so that you get the feeling your seeking and also the smoking experience your searching for. You get all the nicotine but without all the additional health detriments. Several of you may still end up being confused, well how can an ecigarette actually operate? There are actually two major e e cigarette designs. The majority of E Cigs are consisting of three parts:

A. The Battery

B. The Atomizer

C. The Cartridge

The battery is what influences the e cigarette to operate so well, as well as allows it to vaporize the liquid in the cartridge. They may be rechargable, plus they light up when anyone inhales, just like a traditional cigarette lights up if you drag on it. The cool thing about ecigarettes, is you could get different colored lamps to customize them and stand out from the crowd.

The Atomizer will be part of the new age cigarette that slightly heats up to vaporize the liquid while in the e cigarette cartridge. They have threads on it and it also screws into the electronic cigarette battery. With no good atomizer, the e cigarette is pointless. Creating a good quality atomizer will make sure the e cigarette will kick out a ton of vapor.

The cartridge is the plastic tip at the end of the e butt that holds the liquid where it really is vaporized by the atomizer. That slight heat is all you need to turn the liquid in to a thick cloud of water vapor that looks and feels exactly like tradtional tobacco smoke but without every one of the harmful side effects.

Article Source : a Digital Cigarette Works _36656.aspx

Author Resource :
Electronic Cigarette Reviews

Keywords : eletronic cigarettes, e cigs, e cigarettes, buy electronic cigarettes, how and electronic cigarette works, how an e cig works,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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