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How To Use Social Bookmarking To Drive Traffic Into Your Site

Posted On : Jan-06-2010 | seen (574) times | Article Word Count : 761 |

Social bookmarking is one of the flagships of Web 2.0. The basic concept behind social bookmarking is that when thousands of people get together, bookmark their favorite pages, and apply descriptive tags to each page that they bookmark, certain websites will rise to the top as being more popular. The result of this is that surfers will be able to see what websites are currently popular among users.
Social bookmarking is one of the flagships of Web 2.0. The basic concept behind social bookmarking is that when thousands of people get together, bookmark their favorite pages, and apply descriptive tags to each page that they bookmark, certain websites will rise to the top as being more popular. The result of this is that surfers will be able to see what websites are currently popular among users.
The idea of social bookmarking seems to have been originated by back in 2003. Just by visiting the front page of you can see the social bookmarking in practice. On the right hand side of the page there is a column labeled 'Popular'. These are websites that currently are receiving a lot of attention from users under specific keywords and phrases. These websites are listed under common 'tags' that users have given.

How to use social bookmarking to generate traffic does not require you to be an information technology expert. The very first step that you have to take is to register with the major bookmarking sites – there are thousands of bookmarking sites out there, and you want to belong to the sites that have been proven to be effective in generating traffic for websites. Familiarize how the services work, so that you can make the most out of them.
Update your profile. You may provide a short description of yourself, which includes your interests, your expertise and the kind of business you are in. This is important as other users get to see your profile, and they may contact you for some information or pieces of advice regarding your field of expertise. When these users feel that you know what you are doing, they are likely to become regular visitors of your website.
Bookmark your own website or Web pages. The very reason why you joined in the social bookmarking community is to have your own site bookmarked. It is nothing but logical then that the very website or Web pages that you have to bookmark are your own. You will be asked to tag your bookmarks with keywords, and make sure that you tag them properly. You can also ask your friends and family to bookmark your site or pages to make your them more visible.
Make use of social bookmarking submitters. As mentioned, you have to join in several bookmarking sites. Submitting your bookmarks to every site that you are a member of can take take much time and effort. Thus, have a social bookmarking submitter submit your bookmarks to multiple social bookmarking sites. Examples of these submitters are Only Wire and Social Marker.
Join in social bookmarking activities. Add friends, comments and vote on the users' submissions, and join forums and discussions. Also bookmark other sites. Showing the people in the community that you are interested in its happenings will strengthen your social bookmarking credibility. These activities will provide more exposure for you and your site and pages, too.
As you can see, how to use social bookmarking is not as complex you or other people might have thought it is. In fact, it only takes sheer common sense for you to be able to utilize social bookmarking to drive traffic into your site.
Social bookmarking and social news allow you to specifically target what you want to see. Instead of going into a search engine, typing something in, and then searching for that needle in a haystack, you can quickly narrow down the items to what you are looking for.
Because many social bookmarking sites display recently added lists and popular links, you can both stay current and see relevant information. For example, let's say you are interested in learning more about social marketing. You might search for social marketing on one of these sites and come up with two articles: one with a hundred votes and one with two votes.
It's pretty easy to tell that the article with a hundred votes might be your best choice. And this is a lot easier than putting "social marketing" into a search engine and seeing page after page after page of links that may or may not be useful.
So, what started out as a way to send bookmarks to friends has really grown into social search engines. You no longer need to page through thousands of results to find a needle in a haystack. Now, you can simply go to a social bookmarking site, choose the category or tag that matches your interest, and find the most popular websites.

Article Source : To Use Social Bookmarking To Drive Traffic Into Your Site_8279.aspx

Author Resource :
Social Bookmark World is such a great site which not only for the traffic that it produces but for also providing lots of really useful bookmarks. Since you use the Social Bookmark World, you no longer need to page through thousands of results to find a needle in a haystack.

Keywords : social bookmarking, how social boolmarking works, result of social bookmarking,

Category : Computers : Computers

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