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Get to know the computer virus: Understand the enemy to defeat it!

Posted On : Jan-09-2012 | seen (308) times | Article Word Count : 555 |

Computer virus removal is a scientific and regular process that calls for regular initiative and timely action. For proactive computer virus protection, users must ensure proper computer maintenance.
The first report on self-replicating programs in computers called viruses or Spyware was submitted in 1949. The history of the computer virus & computer virus protection finds it roots even before that time. It is essential to understand the term virus in its nitty-gritty to understand how it works, corrupts your PC by replicating itself on its programs etc. It is therefore extremely important to distinguish in the terms such as worms, spyware, Trojan, or other malware to know their way of working. Lack of knowledge breeds familiarity, and that is the reason that we unconsciously let these applications in from some other systems by the route of mails, pen-drives etc. Then, these notorious guests wreak havoc on our personal computers & laptops, leading to heart threatening data-loss, loss of important & significant information. For most us, the slightest threat to the deposit of valuable information on our systems is sufficient to cause sleep-loss & loss of peace of mind.

During critical situations & crisis, spread of computer viruses due to lack of computer virus protection can cause really unimaginable damage. It can lead to data-loss & loss of security & trust in critical situations. It is difficult to estimate the magnanimity of the losses malware could cause. That is the reason that true nature of malware on PC is feared. This generates the need of exploring these terms and concepts in all its capacity. Knowing the terms & terminologies of these potentially dangerous worms will help us know what has hit us when the technician mentions them during the commotion of computer virus removal. It is important that we understand the symptoms of a severe virus infection in our PCs so that we can adapt preventive computer virus protection techniques when the situation arises.

There are several symptoms that hint at the presence of any such virus that can cause a furor in the technical arena. These symptoms convey that there is something amiss in one’s system. It also hints that the online virus protection software has somewhere failed to serve its cause. Few such symptoms can be traced as an unannounced shut-down, slowdown or sluggishness in the system confirms a virus’s presence. Other symptoms that one should look out for are:

• Files misplacement
• Missing Data
• Scrambled Data on the hard disk
• Sudden PC halt
• Erratic screen behavior

A virus is a small piece of software that piggybacks on a real program in order to get executed. Once it’s running, it spreads itself by inserting copies of itself into other executable codes or documents, thereby spoiling all the data and software on the computer. Virus corrupts data, software that is saved on one’s PC. A worm’s software is usually written to copy itself in the new machine so that it can exploit the file transmission capability. Thus, worms are known to cause tragic losses clearly conveying the urgency of effective computer repair virus removal software. Spyware usually seats itself in some area of a computer and keeps raising dust every now & then. A spyware is the hardest to detect and weed out; that is why most technician’s lay extra emphasis on updating one’s computer regularly using an effective computer virus removal software. Computer virus protection from all these dreadful enemies is extremely important for efficient virus protection.

Article Source : to know the computer virus: Understand the enemy to defeat it!_131132.aspx

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Buy Computer Virus Protection and Computer Virus Removal anti-virus.

Keywords : Computer Virus Removal, Computer Virus Protection, Computer Repair Virus Removal,

Category : Computers : Computers

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