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Digital Fingerprinting – The Latest Technology to Put Criminals Behind Bars

Posted On : Sep-02-2010 | seen (300) times | Article Word Count : 538 |

The introduction of digital fingerprinting technology has helped the law enforcement to put the criminals behind bars with ease. When an individual is suspected of a crime, his fingerprints are scanned and stored in the criminals database with the help of this device. For more information. Continue reading. The introduction of digital fingerprinting technology has helped the law enforcement to put the criminals behind bars with ease. When an individual is suspected of a crime, his fingerprint
The advancement of technology has altered our daily life in the most unimagined way. It has made our daily life simple and easy. Today such new technologies have come out that it has also helped to put the criminals behind bars with ease. Among the various new technologies, the digital fingerprinting technology is worth mentioning. This allows a suspect fingerprint to be taken and entered into the database in mere seconds.

The introduction of digital fingerprinting technology has helped the police department to catch the criminal quickly compared to earlier times. If you visit a modern police facility today you will certainly see a machine with a screen instead of a single ink pad. This machine allows a fingerprint to be saved on the database as soon as the suspects hand is laid on the smaller glass screen. Once the suspects puts his hand on the screen, the digital fingerprinting machine scans their hand and stores their fingerprint.

The most significant feature of this digital fingerprinting technology is if a suspects fingerprint is in the database for a crime in one part of the country then his prints can be compared with those gathered around the entire country. Thus the criminals do not get any opportunity to escape from the crime they have committed. The introduction of this technology has helped the law enforce department to catch criminals who are guilty of committing serious felonies.

With the successful completion of the cases with the help of digital fingerprinting technology, the popularity of these devices have gained immense popularity in the law enforcement field. Thanks to this technology criminals who had escaped earlier from getting arrested due to lack of evidence are now put behind bars. In contrast to this technology, the DNA paternity test is done to confirm the father of a child. These test are mostly done when a women has more than one single partner or simply because the father of the child is not accepting or accepting that the child is his.

The advancement in the field of medical science has achieved such heights it is almost impossible to believe. With the introduction of DNA paternity test, gone are the days when in order to know the paternity, the face of the child were closely compared with the potential father. We are all aware of the fact that DNA of the parents is passed on to the child. So in this test the DNA of the child is matched with the DNA of the potential father. The DNA paternity test is usually done as an evidence in a legal case.

The DNA paternity test can be done by taking blood sample or taking cellular material from the inside of the cheek of the child and the potential father. Experts in this field analyze the individual hereditary markers in DNA and provide you with the result that is believed to be more than 99.9% accurate. While doing the DNA paternity test, the child's best interest should be put first. It is essential that every one who is undergoing this test should know of its importance before they agree to this test.

Article Source : Fingerprinting – The Latest Technology to Put Criminals Behind Bars_31448.aspx

Author Resource :
Author works in forensic department and have sound knowledge in DNA paternity test and digital fingerprinting. For more information he recommends you to visit

Keywords : digital fingerprinting, DNA paternity test,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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