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Depression – Causes and Symptoms You Should Know

Posted On : Jun-20-2021 | seen (448) times | Article Word Count : 541 |

When you are sad or upset about something, such as losing a job or a breakup.
When you are sad or upset about something, such as losing a job or a breakup, it is quite normal to have those feelings that would fade away over time. But if you find it hard to move on, and you continue to be in this dark state of mind even when things get better, it could be depression. Fortunately, there is help. Mental health experts offer various treatments including TMS therapy that are quite helpful in getting you out of depression. Here’s more you need to know:

An Overview of Depression:

Depression is often associated with the way you feel right now, how you behave, what happened to you in the past, and how the stress hormones are impacting the brain. It gets better when you take good care of yourself alongside the guidance of an expert. People who are depressed will lose interest in their activities. Contrary to popular belief, depression is never a sign of weakness. Don’t hesitate to seek help when you are struggling and feel like you are losing control. With popular treatments such as TMS therapy, you will feel a lot better.

Symptoms of Depression:

• You experience persistent feeling of sadness, unworthiness, and hopelessness. You’d be deeply disappointed in general.

• Less energy levels or fatigue. You don’t feel active and are constantly exhausted most of the time. You just want to spend days laying on the couch or bed.

• Not being able to sleep well. You either have a hard time falling asleep or sleep for a very long time.

• Changes in your weight or appetite. You gain or lose weight without dieting. You either lose your appetite or are overeating.

• You are frustrated and have pessimistic thoughts. You often think about death or suicide, even though you don’t plan on doing it.

If you or someone you know need help, don’t delay in contacting the experts. Help is available in the form of TMS Australia and more for everyone.

Causes of Depression:

• Stress could impact the growth of nerve cells in the part of the brain that controls your long term memory.

• If your parent or sibling has a history of mental health disorder, there’s a risk of depression slightly more than the average person.

• History of disorders such as drug addiction, post-traumatic stress, and learning disabilities, could possibly lead to depression. It is also stated that people with depression also experience anxiety.

• Any traumatic event in one’s life, such as loss of job or abuse of any sort, would trigger depression. Some people also don’t realise that happy events could also cause depression. For instance, moving to a city that you’ve dreamt of living in, or getting married are all good. But with these happy moments, there’s a bit of uncertainty too. This uncertainty might translate to fear and depression.

Remember, help is just a call away. Talk to the experts and explain what you are going through. They will certainly recommend the right solution for you to lead a more peaceful life. Discuss with them about the rTMS treatment cost or about therapy in general.

Article Source : – Causes and Symptoms You Should Know_327411.aspx

Author Resource :
The author is an experienced mental health specialist offering TMS therapy, one of the most effective treatments for depression. In this article, he gives readers an insight into depression. Visit to know more.

Keywords : TMS therapy, TMS Australia, rTMS treatment cost,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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