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Posted On : Sep-19-2011 | seen (392) times | Article Word Count : 536 |

Although the question about whether or not to commission a painting is not the most common kind of question that people ask, it never the less crosses the mind of some as to what to put on that glaring blank wall.
Although the question about whether or not to commission a painting is not the most common kind of question that people ask, it never the less crosses the mind of some as to what to put on that glaring blank wall. While generally speaking, we could narrow the areas of interest as per age group, this is not entirely so. The young people who have their first apartment will extract those pull outs from a periodical dedicated to their favorite movie stars or rock music icons and tack them onto the wall – academics will post topographical maps of the world and the social activists will paste the most hated or the most admired politician. You will not often find an attractive picture hanging on your friends’ wall when you visit but there are those that can afford such a picture.

Of all the options available in finding and choosing the perfect picture, the idea to commission a painting is the most expensive. Compared to their generic counterparts, the posters that you can buy in those chubby holes beneath the display in department stores to the standard copied prints already framed and stacked in bunches in the house ware sections of your favorite store are hugely inexpensive and effective if you have good taste in alternatives. Commissioned paintings though, are a big investment but one that will give you prestige and satisfaction with each brush stroke.

Artists that are employed to create these paintings are not inexpensive, so do be aware of that. Of course, the size of the picture that you are having created will determine the size of the bill. One artist that I know of listed the cost ratio of her portraits as two-hundred and thirty dollars per square foot, plus the cost of materials required and administration costs. When you put the idea to have a commission painting made and it is on a very large four foot by five foot dimensioned canvass, you are looking at roughly four thousand, six-hundred dollars. This of course is a very large sum but when you consider the size of the picture and that it is hand painted and framed in a very nice looking frame, that glaring blank spot on the wall I mentioned earlier will look suddenly very elaborate. Along with some very comfortable and stylish additional home decorations this painting will give the appearance of a high class inner sanctum that you can be proud of when you host dinner parties or entertain guests for a quiet evening over drinks in your living area.

Commissioned paintings give an impression of elegance, class and taste to those that have them done. There is nothing more admirable than to see the work of a skilled artist who accurately recreates a landscape scene or the portrait of a loved one with an elegant and warming back ground to lend ambiance. People marvel at such talent and when that talent hangs on your wall, it can fascinate you each time that you see it and study the smallest detail that makes up the whole of this attractive portrait.

Article Source : A PAINTING – IS IT WORTH SPENDING MONEY ON...?_83080.aspx

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Is a commissioned portrait worth the expense? To my mind, yes it is, much rather than the consumer savvy second rate pictures of hot girls or inexpensive copies of famous landscapes.

Keywords : Commissioned paintings, commissioned portrait,

Category : Arts and Entertainment : Arts and Entertainment

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