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United Kingdom,

Britain’s Economic Slump

Posted On : Dec-01-2011 | seen (307) times | Article Word Count : 419 |

Unfortunately, Britain is still fully feeling the effects of the recession, with the largest ever increase in unemployment over the past two years. Yesterday, studies showed that the number of unemployed in the UK had risen to a gigantic 2.51 million people, over the past two years.
Unfortunately, Britain is still fully feeling the effects of the recession, with the largest ever increase in unemployment over the past two years. Yesterday, studies showed that the number of unemployed in the UK had risen to a gigantic 2.51 million people, over the past two years. The release of the study prompted British Prime Minister David Cameron to call upon the whole of Europe to become aware of the problems with the economy. Despite the fact that Cameron has been keen to express his concerns, he unfortunately has not come up with any solutions as of yet.

With the large amount of university students who have just completed their degree and are now seeking work, there simply are not enough jobs to go around. Many highly qualified people are forced to take employment within a completely different industry, than the one they studied to gain access to. Depressingly, it seems that for the time being, many of the university qualifications are being wasted. Other post graduate students are choosing to work in a low paid job, such as in a bar or restaurant, in the vague hope that the economy will soon recover. Many post graduate students who are looking for a well paid and exciting job have chosen to apply for escort positions in and around London. As well as past students facing job worries, many young adults are choosing to avoid university altogether due to the substantial increase in tuition fees. This means that even more people will be searching for employment over the next few years. Some post graduate students fortunate enough to have means to funds have opted to try and start up their own company; opening a business which is unaffected by the current climate. Some budding entrepreneurs are choosing to start up an escort recruitment agency, as the demand for call girls in London is at an all time high.

Another current problem in Britain is that many city residents are finding it increasingly difficult to gain access to the property ladder; meaning that almost everybody is renting instead. This is leading to a rise in rental prices, with some landlords taking advantage of the situation. For example, some residents renting in an area close to the 2012 Olympic Stadium - such as Hackney, have seen a large hike in rental fees. Without a professional contract which states a fixed price, it is difficult for renters to argue the increase, unless they choose to move out.

Article Source :’s Economic Slump_112983.aspx

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Albertalex is a professional and qualified writer, whose articles include a variety of topics like
Apply For Escort.With a passion for travel, his pieces
often feature city guides, and have recently focused on the city of London. Find more information
on Escort Jobs.

Keywords : Apply For Escort, Escort Jobs,

Category : Business : Business

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